Monday, November 17, 2008

#14 Not a Book by Dale Brown ...

I guess there's a need for Technorati, but it's very comprehensiveness, i.e., hoarding masses of swine amid a few pearls (too bad the URL "" was already taken ...), undermines its usefulness in finding reliable information. In fairness, though, at least they let you change the "level of authority" for the blogs included in a search.

As for searching "Library 2.0," when I finally figured out how to control the search (entire blog vs. tags only) for blogs with "a lot of authority" (a celebration is planned each year on 11/18@7:15am), I got 1,052 results for "search the entire post", and only 259 hits for "tags only"; the blog directory didn't get that specific -- "" is a close as you get, but I was surprised that it gets that close since the directory is limited to pretty broad headings. (I guess I'm too old-fashioned, but I wish they had a big index of suggested tags.)

TIP: The easiest way I could find to change between searching complete blogs to just tags is to:
1. Search your term using the SEARCH box on the Technorati home page, and then
2. Use the CHANGE link to set your parameters:

CLICK to enlarge

I was a little surprised by some of the popular searches because they include names of a few folks I've never heard of. But I had no real expectations so there were no big surprises with the "most popular" blogs, except that I would have expected more celebrity gossip than political news, but maybe everybody's still keyed up from the elections...

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